Wednesday, September 18, 2013

the fire this time

-"in the end, the one who despises others, truly despises himself."
james baldwin

in the cranky, chittering chillsleep 
of yestereve,
you starred
in a fartoolong dreamstrip
of irrepressible horror:

bullethole skulls, sherm-shackled sistas,
cape-thin tenement windows reflecting
pools of discordant tears, desperate
clockers wrapped in pig-lights, their
even less-fortunate counterparts traced
in elementary school chalk.  vaque talk
of formless revolution on cramped shotgun
porches, desolate ebony hookers giving
the finger to the mocking moon, hints
of deserved liquor-lotto store takeovers,
capsized b-boys trying to slam home
a winning rhyme.

and soon, everywhere,
the fire this time
the fire this time
the fire this time.

in the clattering, corrosive chillsleep 
of yestereve,
you starred
in a fartoolong dreamstrip
of irrepressible horror:

prodigal papas, overtoiled uncles,
shit-fanged landlords retaining
piles of unpaid slavemaster debts,
distraught fried chicken joint tellers
shot over a few dead krakas, their spared
comrades spread-eagled atop a plateau
of sweat-rimmed tile.  idle talk of potential
business enterprises on ghost-town
basketball courts, ruthless chiefly pimps
baring fool’s gold incisors at the laughing sun,
notions of overdue assaults on the local pork chop
station, gangbanger raphael’s 
painting wallsurface murals 
just because it’s a crime.

and soon, everywhere,
the fire this time
the fire this time
the fire this time.