Tuesday, January 1, 2019

When a Year Dies on a Bed of Our Own Scripted Making

“It pains me to say this, today's humans only look human, but act like animals. They judge before they understand - they conclude before they realize - they proclaim before they recognize. They talk about harmony yet in their psyche they are more broken and conflicted than a broken glass. As a result, harmony has become yet another pompous ideology for them to take pride in, without sacrificing anything on their part.”
― Abhijit Naskar, Fabric of Humanity

Some years end with eulogies of joyful regret, some years
End with eulogies of mere, bitter expedience.
Today, on this last day of a most testing year, I made myself a nest
Out of plushy cushions and straddling blankets.
I observed the gentle, insistent dance of snowflakes descending
Like curtains of pale promise, through a toowide window
Fogged with the coldest vapor making unexpected shapes.

This year ends with mere, bitter expedience, and we can see
How the funeral ceremony for 2018
Actually perspires, dripping saddened sweat through
Overwhelmed, overworked pores, because
Those who knew the year well are not push n’ shove,
Taking reluctant, halfhearted turns at the podium, searching deep recesses
For nice things to say, honestly kind words that could cherish a legacy,
Something pleasant and hopeful to bury the deadness of lost months:
With some measure of grace and aplomb.  The crowd at this year’s funeral
Is as sparse as high points during a tsunami, as pitiful present
As endangered penguins huddled in frosted, desperate scrums,
And the speakers continue their litany of measured meanings,
And the eulogies build to a keynote crescendo as unintelligible
As a fortune teller paid to make up reassuring, poll-tested drivel,
And the meager crowd, festooned in penguin suited angst, starts to only
Anticipate the escapist orgy of the pending reception, to be held
In a fortified, way way underground bunker helpfully distant
From the wantonly destructive whims
Of Mama Nature in Full Resistance, as if
Holding a party for the hottest year on record (or close)
Would make sense on the surface, where
An unseeable rising sea or forgotten forest fire
Might eagerly predate, and then 
Completely devastate.

There will be none of that, no snatching of fake fun
From this maybe Endtime glee, as the orchestra plays on,
Playing the playlist from the post-iceberg Titanic,
Penguin-suited mirthful mourners rearranging tables and chairs,
To preserve their familiar cliques of ideologies both failed and active,
Making sure that the gold-plated elevator back up to the top
Only has room for the top .1 percent
Of committed survivor-strivers and sooncome despots.

Yet, suddenly, the broad bunker, with near perfect acoustics,
Begins to churn, through the walls of standing steel,
And a long-lasted, hyper-cooling, aggressive breeze captures the space,
And each and every head-scratching, half-drunken participant
Seeks solace in the hope of leaving self-selected groupings
And constricted, painstaking minglings behind, suddenly, most unpredictably,
Forming a geometrically perfect circle that discards 
Silly, sectarian secrecies and twisted, tribalistic tirades, 
Safe knowing only
That Evolution is the only solution.

I take a pause, staring through a toowide window
Now completely obscured by winter’s damp deluge,
And come to recognize that the mystery of 2019
Could fast become a puzzle easily solved,
Its pieces forming solid, stable, ready-linked continents without much effort,
If only the Best of us would, or could, see the inclusive, expansive panorama
Instead of the intimate, narrow portrait.